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Available From UC Press
Islam and Christianity
Theological Themes in Comparative Perspective
In light of the widespread public perception of incompatibility between Islam and Christianity, this book provides a much-needed straightforward comparison of these two great faith traditions from a broad theological perspective. Award-winning scholar John Renard illuminates the similarities as well as the differences between Islam and Christianity through a clear exploration of four major dimensions—historical, creedal, institutional, and ethical and spiritual. Throughout, the book features comparisons between concrete elements such as creedal statements, prayer texts, and writings from major theologians and mystics. It also includes a glossary of technical theological terms. For western readers in particular, this balanced, authoritative work overturns some common stereotypes about Islam, especially those that have emerged in the decade since September 11, 2001.
John Renard is Professor of Theological Studies at Saint Louis University. His many books include Seven Doors to Islam: Spirituality and the Religious Life of Muslims, Windows on the House of Islam, Friends of God: Islamic Images of Piety, Commitment, and Servanthood, and Tales of God’s Friends: Islamic Hagiography in Translation, all from UC Press.
"John Renard presents a judicious overview of Muslim and Christian ways of 'being in the world.' This work eloquently refutes common Western stereotypes regarding Muslims and Islam and adds to the growing call for Muslim-Christian understanding on a global scale. It is an elegantly crafted book."—David L. Johnston, author of Earth, Empire and Sacred Text: Muslims and Christians as Trustees of Creation
"John Renard offers a lucid portrayal of the major aspects of Christianity and Islam, identifying numerous points of congruence without denying significant dissimilarities. The call he makes for Christians and Muslims to show greater mutual awareness and respect is persuasive and hard to ignore." —David Thomas, Professor of Christianity and Islam, University of Birmingham
"John Renard offers a lucid portrayal of the major aspects of Christianity and Islam, identifying numerous points of congruence without denying significant dissimilarities. The call he makes for Christians and Muslims to show greater mutual awareness and respect is persuasive and hard to ignore." —David Thomas, Professor of Christianity and Islam, University of Birmingham