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University of California Press

About the Book

Meticulously researched and beautifully written, Fit to Be Citizens? demonstrates how both science and public health shaped the meaning of race in the early twentieth century. Through a careful examination of the experiences of Mexican, Japanese, and Chinese immigrants in Los Angeles, Natalia Molina illustrates the many ways local health officials used complexly constructed concerns about public health to demean, diminish, discipline, and ultimately define racial groups. She shows how the racialization of Mexican Americans was not simply a matter of legal exclusion or labor exploitation, but rather that scientific discourses and public health practices played a key role in assigning negative racial characteristics to the group. The book skillfully moves beyond the binary oppositions that usually structure works in ethnic studies by deploying comparative and relational approaches that reveal the racialization of Mexican Americans as intimately associated with the relative historical and social positions of Asian Americans, African Americans, and whites. Its rich archival grounding provides a valuable history of public health in Los Angeles, living conditions among Mexican immigrants, and the ways in which regional racial categories influence national laws and practices. Molina’s compelling study advances our understanding of the complexity of racial politics, attesting that racism is not static and that different groups can occupy different places in the racial order at different times.

About the Author

Natalia Molina is Professor of American Studies and Ethnicity at University of Southern California and the recipient of a MacArthur Fellowship. She is the author of the award winning How Race Is Made in America: Immigration, Citizenship, and the Historical Power of Racial Scripts and the co-editor of Relational Formations of Race: Theory, Method, and Practice.

From Our Blog

Interview with MacArthur Fellow, Natalia Molina

Photo credit: Mike GlierAs a professor American studies and ethnicity at USC, Natalia Molina has spent her career studying race, citizenship, and the experiences of immigrants in the U.S. Last year, Molina was awarded a MacArthur Fellowship in honor of her “revealing how narratives of racial dif
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The Enduring Disposability of Latinx Workers

This excerpt is from an essay that originally appeared on Public Books, and it is reproduced here with Natalia Molina, author of Relational Formations of Race, Fit to Be Citizens?, How Race Is Made in America. I remember the first time I cried in an archive. I was doing
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Table of Contents

List of Illustrations

1. Interlopers in the Land of Sunshine: Chinese Disease Carriers, Launderers, and Vegetable Peddlers
2. Caught between Discourses of Disease, Health, and Nation: Public Health Attitudes toward Japanese and Mexican Laborers in Progressive-Era Los Angeles
3. Institutionalizing Public Health in Ethnic Los Angeles in the 1920s
4. “We Can No Longer Ignore the Problem of the Mexican”: Depression-Era Public Health Policies in Los Angeles
5. The Fight for “Health, Morality, and Decent Living Standards”: Mexican Americans and the Struggle for Public Housing in 1930s Los Angeles

Epilogue: Genealogies of Racial Discourses and Practices


“An important advance on previous dissections of the close (and ongoing) links between medicine and racialization in the United States. . . . Molina has written an engaging history that is all the more compelling for its relevance to racialization in the 21st century.”
American Journal of Sociology
“Molina accomplishes a formidable feat in this book through incisive analysis, elegant prose, and a passionate engagement with the cruel paradox that groups who suffer poor health due to political, social, and economic disenfranchisement all too often are scapegoated as disease vectors. Fit to Be Citizens? is a sophisticated monograph that should serve as a model for ethnic studies scholarship on race, health, and the body politic in modern America.”
Western Historical Quarterly
"This book is full of intriguing discussions of selected public health incidents, drawn principally from the first three decades of the twentieth century. . . . The volume rests upon excellent research in the local records, and Natalia Molina presents a wealth of detailed and previously unexplored information about the shifting policies of Los Angeles health officers during that period."
Pacific Historical Review
"Fit to Be Citizens is tightly organized, crisply and clearly argued, and beautifully written throughout. Molina paints a vivid portrait of an understudied dimension of southern California social history."—David G. Gutiérrez, author of Walls and Mirrors: Mexican Americans, Mexican Immigrants, and the Politics of Ethnicity

"This riveting study crosses boundaries of both discipline and nationality to marvelous effect."—David Roediger, author of Working Toward Whiteness


  • MacArthur Fellow 2020, MacArthur Foundation
  • Norris and Carol Hundley Award 2007, Pacific Coast Branch American Historical Association


Natalia Molina: How Scientific Racialization Shapes Mexican Immigration Policies 1848-Present  
Natalia Molina, American Historian | 2020 MacArthur Fellow