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University of California Press

About the Book

"A powerfully researched and important look at the ravages of nuclear waste remediation."—​One of the Best Indie Books of 2023, Kirkus Reviews

What does it mean to reckon with a contaminated world? In Unmaking the Bomb, Shannon Cram considers the complex social politics of this question and the regulatory infrastructures designed to answer it. Blending history, ethnography, and memoir, she investigates remediation efforts at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation, a former weapons complex in Washington State. Home to the majority of the nation's high-level nuclear waste and its largest environmental cleanup, Hanford is tasked with managing toxic materials that will long outlast the United States and its institutional capacities. Cram examines the embodied uncertainties and structural impossibilities integral to that endeavor. In particular, this lyrical book engages in a kind of narrative contamination, toggling back and forth between cleanup's administrative frames and the stories that overspill them. It spends time with the statistical people that inhabit cleanup's metrics and models and the nonstatistical people that live with their effects. And, in the process, it explores the uneven social relations that make toxicity a normative condition. 

About the Author

Shannon Cram is Associate Professor in the School of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences at the University of Washington Bothell.

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Table of Contents


Introduction: On Telling Impossible Stories 

1. Tender 
2. Anatomy of a Phantom 
3. Rational Mutants 
4. Body Burden 
5. Trespassing 
Conclusion: Here, in the Plutonium 



"In prose that’s both calm and solidly grounded in cited research, Cram presents. . . .a quietly devastating indictment that calls to mind such environmentalist classics as Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring."
Kirkus Reviews (starred review)
"Cram is calling for nothing less than a revolution in social norms and expectations that would make the elimination of nuclear weapons not only a possibility, but a certainty."
Medicine, Conflict and Survival
"This book critically challenges the ways in which government bodies have defined risk from nuclear waste and reveals the daily experiences of those who have no choice but to embrace it"
International Affairs
"In this deeply unsettling book, Shannon Cram plumbs the mangled intimacies of the nuclear across scales (from cellular to regulatory, bodily to planetary) and, through a series of figures, renders the surreal world of nuclear cleanup, remediation, risk assessment, and its forms of impossible governance. Unmaking the Bomb is an incredible read."—Shiloh Krupar, Provost's Distinguished Associate Professor, Georgetown University

"Unmaking the Bomb is a multimodal text: part ethnography, part history of science, part memoir. Cram's work is much more than an environmental justice study of nuclear damage. It is a critical assessment of how a society produces monumental forms of harm and then crafts itself to normalize those dangers as essential and potentially even banal. The overall effect is extraordinarily powerful and important. This is no small accomplishment."—Joseph P. Masco, Professor of Anthropology and of the Social Sciences, University of Chicago


  • Cultural and Political Ecology Outstanding Book Award 2024, American Association of Geographers
  • Julian Steward Award 2024, Anthropology and Environment Society
  • PROSE Awards Finalist (Physical Science & Mathematics-History of Science, Medicine, & Technology) 2024, Association of University Presses (AUP)
  • Foreword INDIES Book of the Year Awards (in the Ecology and Environment category) Finalist 2024, Foreword Magazine
  • Independent Publisher Book Award, Bronze Medal in Environment/Ecology 2024, Independent Publisher Book Awards
  • Kirkus Reviews' Best Indie Books 2023, Kirkus
  • National Indie Excellence Award (Environment Category) Finalist 2024, National Indie Excellence Awards
  • Gregory Bateson Book Prize Honorable Mention 2024, Society for Cultural Anthropology
  • Ludwik Fleck Prize 2024, Society for Social Studies of Science
  • Washington State Book Award for General Nonfiction/Biography Finalist 2024, Washington Center for the Book at the Seattle Public Library